man‎Johannes Hauri‏‎
Sohn von Arnold Hauri und Berchta‏.
Geb. ‎ca. 1355 in Beromünster, Sursee, LU, CHE
Gest. ‎ca. 1430 in Beromünster, Sursee, LU, CHE‎, Alter ungefähr 75 Jahre
Beruf: Bäcker
He was the next known Bailiff of Beromünster after Johann Weibel, his aunt Margreta Hauri's husband. He was mentioned 1411 in that connection [Liber Vitae].
From 1412 until about 1430 he was Baker of Beromünster with Heini von Altwis. Curiously, medieval cooks and bakers seem to have worked naked. As late at the reign of Henry VIII, Europe's more sophisticated courts issued instructions that they were not do so. The repeated instructions indicate that the practice was widespread and not easily stopped.
He was mentioned 1411-1426 on the Beromünster tax rolls. In 1420 he sold land at Reinach to Heini von Altwis and his daughter Elisabeth. On 23 June 1421 he bought from Heinrich von Willberg land at Reinach which was recently taken from the von Habsburgs who had pawned it [Aargau, No. 144]. This property might have been the mill. A source which might yield more information is "Der Chronist Conrad Justinger", 1420.

Beschreibung CL4 - fs

Verheiratet ‎ca. 1375, Alter ungefähr 20 Jahre (verheiratet ungefähr 55 Jahre) mit:

manWalter Hauri‏
Geb. ‎ca. 1381 in Beromünster, Sursee, LU, CHE
Gest. ‎nach 1470 in Reinach, Kulm, AG, CHE‎
Er wohnt in Sursee, und zog später nach Reinach. Er erscheint in Reinach um 1470, als er bereits ein alter Mann war.

Beschreibung CL4 - fs

man‎Heinrich Hauri‏‎
Geb. ‎ca. 1377 in Beromünster, Sursee, LU, CHE
Gest. ‎nach 1457 in Beromünster, Sursee, LU, CHE‎

man‎Johann Hauri‏‎
Geb. ‎ca. 1379 in Beromünster, Sursee, LU, CHE
Gest. ‎nach 1415 in Beromünster, Sursee, LU, CHE‎

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